The Friend Who Mended My Broken Spirit

After the abortion, me and Justin drifted apart. I no longer wanted to be with him the same. I had lost everything that I had for him and he had started running around with his new love interest, Holly. Now I don’t know much about holly other than she was beautiful, but I liked it better that way. If she was keeping him gone that just meant that I didn’t have to see him.  It meant that I didn’t have to listen at him complain that I never did anything but cry or that I never left the bed or that I was just to depressing to be around.
    I turned to pot and other drugs to ease my pain and nothing seemed to make it subside. Everything was falling apart. And I had nobody to turn too. Nobody that would listen to what I wanted to and what I had to say. Nobody who cared enough to sit down and just hang out or text me for no reason other than shoot the breeze, that is until I met John Jones, the current man in my life. He had texted one day to talk to Justin but for some reason or another Justin was out with holly so I texted him back.
“Hey dude.”
“he’s not here”
“I said that he wasn’t here, who is this?”
“Who is this?”
“Oh wat you doing”
“Seriously, who is this?”
From that day we texted everyday. It seemed like from the moment I woke up until the time I was in bed I was texting john. I had never met him nor have I seen him but I knew that he was a sweet and caring guy from the moment we met, over text.
    John was a friend of Justin’s from college. Itt tech to be exact he is 6ft at least and has shoulder length blonde hair that hung in ringlets. And nothing was better than talking to him, you could even say I was developing a little crush on him, but for some reason I just couldn’t leave him alone and focus on me and Justin. I had become totally in love with some one that I had never met or seen, but I kept it a secret. For the longest time.
    One night after I had moved out and cut my ties with Justin for what should have been for good, john and Justin had come over to my apartment. It was the first time that me and john had ever met. Justin got out of the car and there I was waiting with a wooden spoon in hand, he walked up to me and went to hug me and I hit him as hard as I could with it upside his head and yelled,” I told you not to come back after being with that whore.”
Then I realized that john was there. I will admit I was embarrassed to say the least but I played it off as if it were nothing at all. I pointed the spoon at his junk and said, “I know you are taking your shoes off before you come into my apartment.”
    He didn’t say much while he was there and what he did say was way too polite for most guys but I took it in stride. The sad part was I couldn’t take my eyes off of him, I just couldn’t shake that the guy standing in front of me was the guy I had come to love so well over our texts. He didn’t stay long either, he was going to see his mom he said, we later found out that he still lived with his mom. But Justin stayed for the night. We didn’t do anything, me and Justin, because I was texting john, who was telling me how I was prettier than he had expected at first because all he had seen was pictures that Justin had showed him at school.
    The next morning he texted at 10:30am to see if I was awake. And I was, me and Justin had just finished fighting because I wanted him out and he wasn’t going to go anywhere according to him.
“you stupid whore. If it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t be here.” he yelled as he hit me on the lip. There was blood everywhere from the blow, it knocked me down but I wasn’t going to sit around and take his shit anymore. I swung back. After fighting for a full 10 minutes Justin left and I texted john.
“Send me a picture” he begged
“I’d rather not.” I said
“Why” he asked
“Because I fell in the kitchen and gave myself a fat lip.” I said back
“it can’t be that bad” he said
“Okay if you insist.” I said and I sent him the picture
“You didn’t fall ali, did you?” He asked
“Yes I did.” I lied
“Don’t lie for him, you don’t get one that bad from falling.” He said. “Now Ali I love you, You didn’t know but I do and I refuse to believe that it happened that way.”
This was it. After three long years of my secret haunting me it was coming out and the last person I wanted to know that I was weak was finding out.
“Your Right” I said
“I’ll kick his ass.” he texted back “You don’t deserve this.”
“John I’m fine.” I said a little shocked at his outburst.
    Justin and john quit being friends after that day. John still refuses to talk to Justin after everything that came out in the open. After we texted and I told him everything he was determined to save me, to fix me. To make me his and it worked.