It's A Boy!

The weeks that followed after seemed to ease off. Justin had cooled down and had forgotten the incident on my porch. That was alright with because I wanted to forget that today. All that mattered to me was my doctor’s appointment. I was so excited to find out what I was having.
“Either or would do for me, as long as it’s healthy when it’s born.” I lied to my sister.
She knew it was a lie. Everyone would. It was no secret how bad I wanted a little girl. I even had the girls name picked out, Isabelle Marie. It was perfect. All I needed now was for the doctor to confirm that it was a girl and I could get started on buying all the little dresses and shoes that I had spent so much time looking at, all the pink would tie in perfectly.
    About half an hour before my doctor’s appointment Justin showed up. He seemed a little stand offish, but that was fine, nothing was going to bring me down today. That is until mom came out of the room and announced that she would not be going with us, it was just going to be me and Justin. I bit my tongue. Though I had forgiven Justin and my bruises had healed without a trace, in enough time that nobody would have to see them, I was fearful. Fearful of what would happen if I said the wrong thing, if I even looked at him wrong. After standing there, goofing off, like we had so many times before, I became almost sure that it was a one time thing. He had just lost his cool. Justin still loved me, he wouldn’t be here if he didn’t and maybe he wasn’t lying when he said that his friend, Brandi just wanted to break us up. She didn’t want him to be with me. The girl never liked me.
    On the way to the doctor’s we stopped a couple times. Once for me to throw up, riding in cars didn’t seem to agree with me anymore. Once more to buy a vhs. He said he wanted to have it on tape so he could show his mom and my mom. I didn’t argue, because even though he would have just said to shut up, I knew it was the right thing to do. I just didn’t know why he wanted to show his mom. She is the one who said that he had ruined his life, that I was a whore. That this was all my fault. But either way she was still our babies grandmother and she deserved to know.
    We got to the doctor’s ten minutes early which was weird because for some reason when mom comes I always get here late. We went through signing in, to the back, where the checked my blood pressure, my swelling, made me pee in a cup, checked my weight, how big my stomach was. It was a never ending cycle that happened every time I come in, but today I didn’t complain like I usually did. I was way to excited to see what was going to be said. As we followed the nurse into the ultrasound room I began to get butterflies. This was almost surreal.
“Undress from the waist down, Alicia. Dr. Bledsoe should be right in. He is going to be pleased with your progress.”
Seriously? My progress. Was she putting on a show? Doubtful. They want you to gain twenty pounds, nothing more nothing less and here I was 19 weeks and I only gained five pounds. How is that progress?
Instead of saying what I was thinking like I normally would a simple, “Okay.” is all I said. I even smiled back at her.
    Not even ten minutes later, in came Dr. Bledsoe. He seemed stern today. I don’t think he likes Justin because he is always cutting up and laughing when Justin isn’t here.
“Are you ready to see what the future has in store for you Hun?”, he asked.
“To be honest dr. I’m a bunch nervous.” I replied.
“Nothing to be nervous about, this isn’t your first ultrasound..” he replied with a smile.
He began to do the ultrasound. The screen was turned toward me. It was the moment of truth. Well it would have been if the baby would cooperate. It took what seemed like hours to get the baby to move so he could see.
    Looking straight at the screen then turning to me he told me it was a girl. I cried for joy, but I must have jinxed myself because the baby rolled over and there it was, right on the screen. It was definitely a boy.
“I’m sorry, he must not have rolled over all the way, because that is definitely a penis. Congrats your having a boy.” he said.
After he was done looking around at the baby and making sure that I haven’t dilated he sent us on our way.
    This was just great, a boy. Now I would never get to play make over or dress up. My dreams were shattered.
“That sucks, I guess you won’t be able to dress him up seeming’s it’s a boy, huh? Justin said.
“Please Justin, seriously? I’m dressing him up anyway.” I replied.
We both laughed and headed out to sonic for lunch. We ordered what we always got, a brown bag special. And we sat down to discuss boy names.
“I like Tristan, I want to name him Tristan.” I said.
I was standing my ground. I loved that name and I would be damned if I was going to let someone change my mind.
“Ali, that’s a girl name. besides his last name is going to be Gay, he’ll need a strong first name to counterbalance.” Justin replied.
“I don’t care if it is a girls name, I like it.”
“Ali, please reconsider.” He said.
As much as I didn’t want to, I did.
“Fine if I can’t name him Tristan, I want to name him Nathaniel.” I finally said. “Besides, nothing is for sure, he could come out and look nothing like a Nathaniel and I will have to change his name again.”
“I like Nathaniel. There you go. You need to think about everybody else too. Besides the poor boy is going to be teased like crazy for his last name.” he said.
“Then it’s settled. My little Nathaniel.” I said
Justin ignored my last sentence, probably because he was eating or just not wanting to talk about it.
    I pulled out my phone and sent a text to my mom.
It read, It’s A Boy(:
Sitting there at that table at sonic, I stopped caring that I wasn’t having a girl, that my world had fallen apart or that I was even there. All I cared about was my little boy. My Nathaniel.